Sunday, June 23, 2024

Things To Know About Car Shipping For Snowbirds

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If staying indoors to beat the bitter cold is not your thing, traveling to the south to soak up some sun is always a good idea. Snowbirds in the US enjoy the best of both worlds. They spend their time enjoying cool summers and warm winters.

Besides, many auto shipping companies specifically help seasonal travelers in shipping their cars from the Northeastern part to the Southern part of the United States.

One such company is Ship a Car, Inc. They have a very experienced staff working with them. Also, to make the entire transaction easy and comfortable, they assign you a dedicated transport coordinator.

Your transport coordinator is always just an email or calls away. They will answer all your questions and even give you regular updates. To know more about auto shipping for snowbirds, check out

Why consider transporting your vehicle via auto shipping companies?

Saves you time

Driving from one part of the country to another is never easy. It can take hours and even days in some cases. Now, why would you spend your precious vacation time just driving, and why would you bear the cold? Transport your vehicle via auto shipping companies and start relaxing immediately.

No vehicle wear and tear

There is always a risk in driving on cold foggy winter roads. Also, if the distance is long, why unnecessarily add so many miles to your vehicle? With a reliable car shipping company, you can transport your vehicle without a scratch to its destination.

Explore the destination with your vehicle

Once you have reached your warm and welcoming destination, it is time to explore the many beautiful places it offers. Why rent a car to explore the sights, rather than move freely and comfortably in your vehicle?

Tips for snowbird car shipping

Just like any other thing, it is best if you plan and prepare well in advance for shipping your car in the snowbird season. To ensure you have a positive experience, follow the tips mentioned below:

Make your reservation in advance:

Yes, most car shipping companies will accommodate a last-minute shipping request, but if you are sure to travel during the snowbird season, why not book in advance? This will give you enough time to verify that everything is in order, and of course, you will get better prices as well.

Clean your car well

A vehicle inspection is conducted for insurance purposes before your car is taken by the shipping company. It is best if you clean your car inside and outside, before this inspection. This will give a clear idea to the inspector about the car’s condition.

Remove all personal items from your vehicle

It is advised that you remove all your personal belongings from the vehicle before shipping it. the thing is, you won’t have access to these items when the vehicle is being transported. Also, any damages caused to these items will not be covered under insurance.

Well, there you go. Leave the hassle of transporting your vehicle for experts, and simply focus on enjoying your trip.

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